Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Welcome back to me! Yet another dry spell in the blogging world on my behalf -- although I admit I have been spending probably too much time reading other people's blogs instead of updating my own.

And yes, I realize it's two days after Christmas but that doesn't mean I can't cling to the festive nature of the holiday for a few more days . . . at least until New Year's when my attention shifts to making resolutions and vowing I will keep them for longer than four days.

So what has happened since my last post in October? Right now, the most exciting thing that has happened is that I installed a wireless router in my parents' home. This is life changing for me probably more so for them, because now I can sit in the den with the rest of my family and be on the internet without feeling completely anti-social. At least I'm in the same room while I ignore them instead of being in a completely different part of the house.

But besides that, I also found (and bought) a wedding dress! It was the first trip I made to look for dresses and I was able to find the perfect one! What a relief that was. Needless to say, I've been on an eating binge ever since then (don't worry, I bought it only three weeks ago) because I know that I won't have to go squeeze myself into sample size dresses anymore and I have some sort of a respite before the dress comes in and I begin the fitting process. I'll get back on track after the New Year (see second paragraph about New Year's resolutions).

And, of course, I would be remiss if I did not say what a wonderful Christmas I had. It was a little more low-key this year but wonderful nonetheless. John, who is 21 months, was even more into it than last year and I have enjoyed my several days at home with Newt-the-cat. I head back to CLT tomorrow to a quiet apartment since my roommate is having a mini-Grand Tour for the next couple weeks. I imagine right now she is in Rome, sipping some wine and eating some homemade pasta which parallels nicely to how my tomorrow evening will most likely unfold when I eat my Spaghetti-Os with a Diet Cherry Pepsi.

It's amazing how the anticipation of a holiday or vacation is coupled with the sense of despair as it comes to an end. Oh well, at least there are only 363 more days till Christmas 2010!

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